Tui Na Side Effects

Tui Na Side Effects — (Health Coach’s Advice)

As the lead coach for the wellness coach team at FindItHealth, you can rely on us to explain everything you need to know about natural therapies, their advantages, and their drawbacks. 

We strongly advise Tui Na, a Traditional Chinese Medicine, as a treatment for musculoskeletal disorders and acute or chronic pain. Research also shows that it is great for relaxation and insomnia. It is a type of soft tissue massage that improves the delivery of nutrients to muscles and tissues by increasing blood circulation. Many ongoing clinical studies are still trying to discover the full potential of this practice. Tui Na can be useful if you’re searching for a holistic strategy to include in your treatment plan or quality of life. To assist you in making a wise choice, please continue reading.

Examples Of Tui Na Side Effects

When done by a qualified and experienced practitioner, Tui Na is typically regarded as safe and useful, although there are a few negative effects to be cautious of:

  • Soreness or discomfort – Tui Na includes acupressure techniques, stretching, and manipulating the muscles and tissues. As a result, there may occasionally be some momentary tightness or discomfort, not unlike what one might feel after a strenuous workout. Usually, this is brief and moderate, and it goes away in a day or two.
  • Bruising – Techniques used in Tui Na therapy that apply intense pressure or forceful rubbing may occasionally result in slight bruising. Individuals with sensitive skin or those who bruise easily are more likely to experience this. The bruises are usually not harmful and will go away with time.
  • Fatigue or lightheadedness – The benefits of Tuina massage can be quite relaxing, and some people may feel a sense of fatigue or lightheadedness after a session. After the treatment, it is advised to get some rest and drink some water to give the body time to readjust.
  • Aggravation of existing conditions – Not everyone would be a good candidate for Tui Na therapy, especially people with specific medical issues. Avoid Tui Na or make sure the practitioner is aware of your situation if you have fractures, severe osteoporosis, open wounds, or infectious skin disorders.
  • Psychological effects – This therapeutic form of massage, occasionally triggers emotional or psychological reactions. Temporary mood changes, such as feeling more emotional or having tension released, may occur in some people. Usually temporary, these symptoms are frequently regarded as a part of the healing process


Can Tui Na Cause Allergies Or Skin Issues? 

Usually, Tui Na doesn’t cause allergies or skin problems. However, there are a few circumstances in which allergic responses or skin problems could occur: 

  • Massage oils or lotions – During the massage, certain Tui Na practitioners may apply oils or lotions to facilitate fluid movements and improve the therapeutic effects. In rare cases, individuals may have allergies or sensitivities to specific oils or ingredients in the products used.
  • Latex allergies – Tui Na practitioners might wear gloves during the massage. It is essential to let your doctor know if you have a latex allergy so they can use latex-free gloves to avoid an allergic reaction.
  • Existing skin conditions – The rubbing, pressing, or stretching included in Tui Na could aggravate any pre-existing skin disorders you have, such as eczema or dermatitis. 


Are There Risks Or Complications With Tui Na? 

While receiving a session of Tui Na massage is usually tolerable, there may be some physical discomfort.

It likely will not feel like a gentle and relaxing massage

A patient with ankylosing spondylitis who had Tui Na massage therapy during an acute flare-up reported “catastrophic results” in a 2017 clinical trial published in the European Spine Journal. This underlines the importance of consulting a doctor before receiving any type of massage, particularly if the recipient is pregnant, has a medical condition, or is taking medication.


Are There Any Precautions For Tui Na Treatments?

Yes, there are some safety measures to take into account before getting a Tui Na treatment;

here are a few:

  • Inform your practitioner about your medical history – Give your Tui Na practitioner a thorough rundown of your medical history or any health concern before the therapy. The practitioner will be able to better meet your needs and ensure your safety with the use of this information.
  • Pregnancy – It is crucial to let your practitioner know if you are expecting before getting Tui Na therapy. While Tui Na can be helpful during pregnancy, specific pressure sites and techniques should be avoided or altered to protect both the mother and the unborn child.
  • Communicate your comfort level – Tui Na involves various techniques and levels of pressure, and it is important to speak up if you experience any pain or discomfort, or if a particular technique feels too intense. Your practitioner can then adjust their approach accordingly.
  • Hydration and rest – Tui Na releases toxins from the tissues, so it’s important to allow your body time to recover and rehydrate.
  • Eat light – You should have a light snack or a full meal an hour before the session. It is best to avoid being overly hungry or overstuffed before the session.


The researchers at Find It Health remind everyone that it’s important that Tui Na massage should be performed by a trained and experienced practitioner to minimize the side effects.

Tui Na is generally an effective treatment but the effects can differ from person to person. It is crucial to be realistic with your expectations about this ancient healing art. Tui Na, a Chinese massage, primarily addresses energy flow blockages or the philosophy of the flow of Qi, which can potentially improve a wide variety of clinical symptoms, emotional and mental health

Don’t be afraid to ask your Tui Na practitioner for advice if you have any specific worries or inquiries about your post-treatment care. They can also be aware of other types of massages that may be more suited with specific cases.

I appreciate you visiting and reading this content. We send you our best wishes for continued health and wellness. As we update, please check back to read more articles about alternative treatments for pain management. 

Find It Health Editor in Chief Luz Chacon Health and Wellness Coach Giving You Advice

Luz Chacon

Luz Chacon is a Health Educator, Wellness Coach, and EFT Tapping Practitioner with 30+ years in health advocacy. Specializing in stress management, wellbeing, and holistic health, she created a 40% stress reduction employee program. Luz is dedicated to helping busy individuals prioritize self-care, break patterns, and reach goals. She offers programs for organizations and individuals. Luz is passionate about sharing her health research and guiding informed choices!

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Luz Chacon Health Coaches at Find It Health and Stress Management and Natural Holistic Health Coaches