Acupuncture Points For Anxiety and Depression (Health Coach)

Acupuncture Points for Anxiety and Depression and Insomnia from Find It Health Coaches

As the director of the wellness group here at Find It Health, I understand that living with anxiety can be overwhelming and sometimes debilitating. It’s a mental health condition that affects millions of people worldwide and can negatively impact daily life.

There are several ways to manage anxiety symptoms, such as medication and therapy. However, alternative treatments like acupuncture have been gaining popularity in recent years.

In this article, we’ll discuss the various acupuncture points for anxiety that can help you find relief. Get comfortable, grab a cup of your favorite tea, and let’s dive in.

Acupuncture Points for Anxiety and Depression and Insomnia from Find It Health Coaches

Acupuncture Points For Anxiety And Depression

The most commonly used acupuncture points for anxiety and depression are located on the head, hands, back, and ears. Acupuncturists use a combination of these points to provide the best results.

Here is a list of some of the key points and how they can be used to help relieve your symptoms:

Shen Men (HT7)

Shen Men (HT7) is an acupuncture point located on the inside of your wrist, near your pinky finger. It is also known as the “gateway to tranquility” and is believed to help relax the mind and reduce stress levels.

The Shen Men point is said to be connected to the heart meridian, which is associated with emotional balance and well-being. Stimulating this point can help open up energy pathways in the body, allowing for improved circulation and relaxation.

Yin Tang (EXHN3)

Yin Tang (EX-HN3) is a commonly used acupuncture point between your eyebrows and the midpoint between them. It is known as the “Hall of Impression” or “Third Eye” and is believed to help calm the mind and promote relaxation.

In addition to reducing worry and fear, stimulating Yin Tang has been found to improve concentration and focus, making it a useful point for people who struggle with chronic anxiety or depression.

Hegu (LI4)

Hegu is located on the back of your hand, between your thumb and index finger. It is also referred to as the “Joining Valley” and is believed to help relieve tension in both physical and mental states.

Stimulating this acupoint has been found to promote energy flow throughout the body. It has been for stress relief but also to alleviate neck pain, headaches, and muscle tension.

Great Abyss (LU9)

The Great Abyss acupoint is located on the top of your foot, near your ankle bone. By applying pressure on this specific point, blood flow can be enhanced throughout the body, promoting energy flow and helping to ease tension and stress.

Shou San Li (LI10)

Shou San Li, also known as LI10, is an acupuncture point used in Chinese medicine for centuries. It is located on your forearm, just below your elbow crease on either side of the arm.

When pressure or massage is applied to this point, it can help to reduce fatigue and promote relaxation. It also helps reduce overall anxiety levels, making it a useful point to focus on during times of stress or tension.

Governor Vessel 24 (GV24)

If you suffer from headaches caused by anxiety or depression, then stimulating the Governor Vessel 24 (GV24) pressure point may provide you with some relief.

This pressure point is located at the base of your skull, just above where it meets with your neck muscles at either side of your head.

By applying pressure to this point, you can help calm an overactive mind, reduce feelings of anxiousness or worry, and alleviate headaches caused by stress or tension.Give it a try the next time you feel a headache coming on or if you’re feeling particularly stressed, and see if it helps. Just be sure to use gentle pressure and stop if you experience any discomfort.


Acupuncture Points For Anxiety And Insomnia

The following acupuncture points may assist in relieving insomnia symptoms caused by anxiety:

Spleen 6 (SP6)

The SP6 point is located on the inner leg, about three finger widths above the ankle. It is part of the spleen meridian and is considered to be one of the most important points in acupuncture.

To perform acupuncture at the SP6 point, a licensed acupuncturist will typically use sterile, single-use needles.

The needles are very thin and are inserted into the skin at a shallow depth.

The sensation is often described as a mild to moderate ache, tingling sensation, or a feeling of heaviness in the limbs. The needles are left in place for around 20-30 minutes while the patient relaxes, and then they are gently removed.

Acupuncture at the SP6 point can be helpful for anxiety and insomnia as it is believed to have a calming and balancing effect on the body, helping to regulate the emotions and promote relaxation.

KD3 Point (Taixi)

KD3 Point, also known as Taixi, is an acupuncture point located above your heel on both feet.

To stimulate this point, the acupuncturist will insert a thin needle into the skin and leave it there for about 20 minutes. This can help to regulate the flow of qi in the body and promote relaxation.

Acupuncture treatment at KD3 works by helping to regulate levels of neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine, which can improve your mood and quality of sleep.

Yin Tang (Extra Point)

Yin Tang, also called the “Third Eye” is an extra point located between your eyebrows.

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, stimulating this point can help relieve stress and anxiety, calm the mind, and promote relaxation, all of which can help you get a better night’s sleep.

An acupuncturist will insert a thin needle into the skin at the point between the eyebrows to stimulate Yin Tang.

An Mian

Point An Mian is an acupuncture point located behind your earlobe towards the back of your head. It is also known as “Peaceful Sleep point” in Chinese Medicine.

An Mian is often used to treat headaches, insomnia, and stress. Stimulating this point can also help to increase blood flow to the brain, thus improving mental alertness and focus.

HT 7

This acupuncture point, also known as Shen Men, is located just below the bottom of the hand. To find it, simply bend your hand forward slightly and look for the crease.

To stimulate HT7, a licensed acupuncturist will insert fine needles into the point and leave them in place for an average of 25 minutes.

Sometimes, the practitioner may gently rotate the needles to enhance the stimulation. Patients usually report feeling a mild tingling or numbing sensation during the treatment, but it is not usually painful.

Tai Chong (LV3)

Tai Chong (LV3) is an acupuncture point between the big and second toes that has been used to help alleviate insomnia.

Our research team here at Find It Health has found that stimulating Tai Chong (LV3) during acupuncture can help reduce menstrual cramps, blood pressure, limb pain, and anxiety, all common causes of insomnia.

Additionally, it effectively regulates defensive-qi, a concept in traditional Chinese medicine that helps to soothe the mind and body.


Cost Of Acupuncture For Anxiety

Our research team at Find It Health has found that the average cost of an acupuncture session in the United States ranges from $15 to $300 per session.

Acupuncture is becoming an increasingly popular alternative treatment for anxiety, with many people finding relief from its effects.

While the cost of acupuncture treatments can vary depending on where you live and the type of services you receive, it is generally considered to be a relatively affordable option.

Moreover, many insurance plans cover at least part of the cost of acupuncture treatments, so it’s worth checking with your provider to see if any expenses can be covered.

If you’re considering trying acupuncture for anxiety relief, it’s important to find a qualified practitioner who is experienced in treating this condition. Doing research ahead of time can help ensure that you get the best possible results from your treatment sessions.


Does Acupuncture Help With Anxiety?

Acupuncture has been found to be an effective, low-risk treatment option for anxiety. Studies have shown that acupuncture can reduce anxiety symptoms, and it is considered generally safe when performed by a licensed or board-certified practitioner.

Acupuncture Benefits For Anxiety

Acupuncture offers a range of benefits for those battling anxiety, from reducing stress levels to improving sleep quality. Here are the potential benefits of acupuncture for anxiety:

Reduces Your Stress Levels

By tapping into your body’s natural relaxation response, acupuncture can significantly reduce stress and worry. It can also help to relieve physical tension, allowing you to feel more relaxed.

Balances Hormones

Acupuncture is a natural way to help keep your hormones in check. Not only does it bring stability, but it can also improve emotional well-being – reducing anxiety levels and having an overall calming effect.

Regulates Autonomic Nervous System

Acupuncture helps to regulate the autonomic nervous system, which is responsible for regulating uncontrollable physiological processes such as heart rate and blood pressure.

This can help reduce panic or fear associated with anxiety disorders.

Improves Symptoms of Anxiety Disorders

The autonomic nervous system controls everything your body does without you thinking about it, like heart rate and blood pressure.

When you’re feeling anxious, your body might be reacting by ramping up these processes, making you feel even more panicked.

Acupuncture helps to bring them back down to a normal level, helping to ease those feelings of fear and anxiety.

Drug-Free Treatment Option

Acupuncture offers a natural and holistic approach to relieving anxiety. It is an increasingly popular drug-free option for those who want to feel better without potentially harsh side effects from other treatments.

Faster Than Therapy

If you’re looking for an alternative to traditional therapy methods that can deliver results quickly, acupuncture is a great option.

This ancient Chinese practice has been proven by science to be effective in providing faster relief from anxiety symptoms than more conventional practices.

Natural Way To Treat Anxiety

In addition to being safe and natural, acupuncture offers a comprehensive approach that can be tailored to suit individual needs. With acupuncture, you may just find the peacefulness of mind to help keep your worries at bay.

Frequently Asked Questions

How quickly does acupuncture for anxiety work?

Acupuncture is a relatively quick treatment, and it can start to work almost immediately. People with regular acupuncture treatments report feeling more relaxed after one to two sessions.

Can anxiety get worse after acupuncture?

Anxiety can get worse after acupuncture, although this is not common. In some cases, the needles used during the procedure can trigger an increase in anxious feelings or cause physical discomfort.

Additionally, if the patient has a negative reaction to the treatment or does not feel supported by their practitioner, their anxiety could worsen as well.

How do you find an acupuncturist for anxiety?

Finding an acupuncturist for anxiety can be done in a few ways. Here are some options:

  • Ask for referrals from friends or family members who have tried acupuncture for anxiety before.
  • Check with your primary care physician to see if they can recommend a local acupuncturist who specializes in anxiety treatment.
  • Conduct an online search for local acupuncturists who have experience treating anxiety.
  • Visit websites such as the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine or the Acupuncture Society of America to find an acupuncturist in your area who specializes in anxiety treatment.

Before scheduling an appointment, remember to check the acupuncturist’s credentials, experience, and reviews.

Where are the acupuncture points for anxiety?

The most commonly used acupuncture points for anxiety are located on the face, ears, arms, and hands. However, the acupuncturist can customize the treatment based on your individual needs and preferences.

What are the acupuncture points for stress and anxiety?

Several acupuncture points may help manage stress and anxiety. Below are the most common points used:

  • Yintang (located between the eyebrows)
  • Shenmen (located on the wrist)
  • Pericardium 6 (located on the inner forearm)
  • Heart 7 (located on the crease of the wrist)
  • Kidney 1 (located on the sole of the foot)
  • Liver 3 (located on the top of the foot between the big toe and second toe)


Conclusion – Research by

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Acupuncture can be a great drug-free option for those looking to ease their anxiety symptoms. It is an ancient practice that has now been scientifically proven effective for relieving anxiety.

With acupuncture, you can find a natural and holistic approach to managing and keeping your worries at bay. Be sure to find an experienced acupuncturist who can tailor the treatment to your individual needs to get the most out of it.

Additionally, familiarizing yourself with the most commonly used acupuncture points for anxiety can help to ensure you get the best results possible.

If you are interested in trying acupuncture for anxiety, be sure to speak to our licensed acupuncturists today. They will be more than happy to answer any and all questions you may have.

We look forward to helping you find the peace of mind you need. Good luck on your journey!


Find It Health Editor in Chief Luz Chacon Health and Wellness Coach Giving You Advice

Luz Chacon

Luz Chacon is a Health Educator, Wellness Coach, and EFT Tapping Practitioner with 30+ years in health advocacy. Specializing in stress management, wellbeing, and holistic health, she created a 40% stress reduction employee program. Luz is dedicated to helping busy individuals prioritize self-care, break patterns, and reach goals. She offers programs for organizations and individuals. Luz is passionate about sharing her health research and guiding informed choices!

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