Will Massage Help Neuropathy? We Describe the Best Foot Massage Techniques for Patients

Will massage help neuropathy patients? Yes. We’ve found reliable sources for research supporting evidence that neuropathy pain is completely halted by the right type of massage.

Tingling, pain, and numbness in patients with neuropathy were improved after the certain massage techniques we describe in the article below.

Will massage help neuropathy with nerve massage therapy

Table of Contents

Foot Massage for Diabetic Neuropathy

Will massage help neuropathy for diabetic nerve pain

Our research (Supportive Care in Cancer, 2011) states that massage does help neuropathy, but specifically diabetic neuropathy is covered by the Mayo Clinic; saying that even moisturizing your feet (a part of most massages) is a possible method of combatting diabetic neuropathy. There has been proof of massages lowering blood glucose levels in diabetic patients, which supports the evidence of the possible treatment for neuropathy in legs and feet being a massage.

Thai foot massages improved symptoms of diabetic neuropathy according to another study. A massage for neuropathy in legs and feet and its benefits have been studied for a while, and even traditional Chinese massages were experimented with by various scientists and researchers. Segueing into another article, our brilliant in-house researchers have an in-depth review of pulse oximeters for monitoring. Now, let’s get back to massages.

According to numerous studies, massage is generally safe for people with diabetes to take part in without serious side effects. When asked with the question: Why can’t you massage someone with diabetes? You now have the information that you in fact CAN massage someone with diabetes.

Best Foot Massage for Neuropathy

Foot massage for diabetic neuropathy in legs and feet

Reflexology is what I would recommend for being the best foot massage for neuropathy. Starting with pressure points on the feet, applying appropriate pressure to specific points on your feet stimulates your blood, getting your circulation up in areas that might experience neuropathy.

The best foot massage techniques for neuropathy include Reflexology and massotherapy. Reflexing the feet promotes the flow of energy and blood circulation which can feel pleasurable to the person with neuropathy along with easing the pain of neuropathy. Reflexology for foot neuropathy is an effective technique of massage for most types of neuropathies, however, there is limited scientific evidence backing up its claims of pressure points moving energy throughout the body.

For a scientifically proven method of reducing chronic pain and fatigue in your feet; the benefits of Thai massage and Swedish massage have been studied in multiple publications and scientific journals. For a Swedish massage for nerve pain, even osteoarthritis of the leg was studied to be completely alleviated according to a study from PLoS One.

For Thai massage, the influence of reflexology and yoga are present, even proving more effective as the painkiller ibuprofen in the reduction of joint pain according to one study from Biomed Res Int.

Peripheral Neuropathy Massage

Neuropathy massage with reflexology for foot nerve pain

The manipulation of your body’s soft tissues for the purpose of treatment of your neuropathy is proven to work according to our research (Supportive Care in Cancer, 2011) massage helps patients with neuropathy by completely stopping tingling, numbness, and pain in a short period of time.

For peripheral neuropathy, can massage help neuropathy patients? Yes. One’s peripheral nerves impair sensation, movement, or organ operation. While peripheral neuropathy can cause painful cramps and fine muscle twitching, massages have been proven scientifically to relieve the pain from nerve damage. Whether it is reflexology for neuropathy or some sort of nerve massage therapy, the scientific proof is on the side of getting regular peripheral neuropathy massage treatment.

Neuropathy foot massage treatments can get the blood moving from the following “how-to” guide:

  • Fill a foot dub with water and small round stones/marbles
  • Roll the bottoms of your feet all along with the marbles
  • Massaging your feet bottoms on the marbles; stimulating your nerve endings

Not only is this massage exercise easy to accomplish by yourself, but massage in itself is also a proven method of regularly reducing neuropathy pain in your feet.

Conclusion: Massage for Nerve Pain and Neuropathy: Information and Research by findithealth.com

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De-stressing the nerves that are causing you issues like tingling, numbness, and burning is important, therefore our team of researchers has found massage techniques that will help your neuropathy. Our FindItHealth research team cares about your health. That’s why we put it on our highest priority to bring as much informational, evidence-based scientific research in order to answer your questions. If you are interested in our work, please check out our article answering small pill questions.


Supportive Care in Cancer. (2011). Case report of a patient with chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy treated with manual therapy (massage).


Wikipedia contributors. (2021). Massage. In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia.


Wikipedia contributors. (2021). Peripheral neuropathy. In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia.


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