It has become harder to keep workers in the office engaged recently, especially when the office might be remote now. This makes it even more challenging for leaders and managers to stay on top of their team and keep everyone motivated.
Research by our team at FinditHealth found that when people do not feel motivated at work, they have significantly less productivity. It was noted that people become unconcerned about what is going on in the workplace if they feel especially neglected by their managers. Keep reading to find tips for managers to keep employees motivated and working towards your company’s goals.
Role of Manager in Motivating Employees
In management, it is important to have the ability to communicate with your employees effectively and clearly. This is ultimately what drives employee motivation and fosters professional development. Communication is the key to success and keeps everyone happy, feeling valued, and productive at work.
A manager needs to recognize when an employee meets and exceeds expectations.
It’s recognizing good deeds done by your employees and making sure they know that you notice and that you value them and their role in the company.
Setting Goals
Another tip is to include employees in goal-setting plans within their role for the company. This is helpful so that everyone can be on the same page and it gives employees a sense of ownership. When employees understand the company’s goals, It’s easier for them to recognize how their actions can directly impact progress towards those goals. When it comes to goal setting, make sure to define goals in two categories with each having specific achievable goals. One being intellectual goals and the other personal goals. We need a healthy balance of both to obtain the life we desire.
Let Your Employees be Responsible
Another important way a manager can motivate an employee is not to microtask or be a helicopter boss. Managers must carefully monitor the amount of attention and direction they give employees. Micromanagement is a motivation killer. Let your employees become more autonomous in their everyday work and communicate expectations. This allows the employee to have more freedom in deciding their daily tasks. They know what needs to be done, but they can handle tasks at a pace and way that feels right for them. It’s allowing them to take ownership of the job you have given them.
When it comes to motivating your employees, it doesn’t take much to send a positive message. An act as simple as praising your team for doing good work can significantly impact employee morale. Positive feedback helps your employees feel valued in their roles. When someone feels valued, they are more motivated to keep working at their highest productivity. They are also less likely to quit their job if they feel valued and satisfied at work.
Methods of Motivating Employees in An Organization
Every employee is different, so managers should consider each individual and their preferences when deciding how to show appreciation. Some employees are motivated by the opportunity to take on new, challenging work, a sign that their manager trusts and relies on them, while more socially oriented employees might appreciate a lunch outing with their co-workers to celebrate a win.
You could always try including team building activities, team lunch or even a company retreat.
Some safe ideas that should work for most people are always to use the person’s first name when addressing them and have specific details on the behavior you are delivering praise on. Everyone wants to feel valued and like you see them, not as number 10 employees. Last, make sure you provide your motivation on the same day as you give praise. This way, the employee knows exactly what you are talking about. Just do not overdo it with redundant compliments to make such statements meaningless.
It’s also good to back up your words with gestures. If possible, reward employees by giving them more flexibility in their schedules or putting them on the path to a promotion. And don’t forget to praise employees for their attributes, too.
We have to remember that employees are people first, and it’s essential to recognize their positive and unique traits. Compliment them on something they aren’t expecting and tie it into something positive that happened for the company. For example, maybe they made everyone laugh during a stressful, tense meeting.
You can thank them for the moment of playfulness as it calmed the team down during a stressful week.
In today’s society, it is hard to motivate employees as most of us have a transition to remote work and no longer come into the office. While we don’t want to micromanage, not paying enough attention to employees can be demotivating too.
It’s easier for virtual employees to get lost in the shuffle. To prevent that, make sure remote employees are invited to meetings, get all company communications, and aren’t left out of discussions that impact their roles. Teams can stay connected through video calls, virtual team lunches, and instant messaging. Or with society today, you can even try video games to connect the team.
It is recommended that businesses encourage their managers to block out time in their days solely for employee interaction and allot resources for management training and development. This is so often not thought of but is vital to a company’s success. Leaders should also spend considerable time on their personal growth and employees’ personal development. Another tool that could be useful here to have a regular writing or journaling practice. We encourage you to start writing down thoughts and goals you have for yourself, and also for your role in the company.
Having your goals written down will make it easier for you to follow and stay motivated to achieve them. Companies play a critical role in providing the tools and training to help managers with skills and time management that allow them to interact with all employees.
Ways to Increase Productivity Through Motivation
By motivating your employees, you can increase productivity and employee performance in the workplace. High-level employee motivation will impact employee productivity by stimulating the production of better and higher quantity work.
A motivated employee is more likely to have a high level of job satisfaction and increase long-term employee retention. For every employee job at your business, your human resource department should focus on training development that strives to improve employee motivation and job satisfaction simultaneously.
Remember, high-level motivation employees are the most excellent resource of any business.
Therefore, investing in developing high-level employees should also be a business’s most significant investment of time, resources, and money. The most successful companies have made employee motivation a priority. As a result, these companies have been rewarded with employees who have high-level job satisfaction and long-term retention rates.
When it comes to motivating employees to increase productivity, the first step is to establish objectives. Employee motivation and job satisfaction are positively influenced when clear goals are outlined and assigned. To further impact employee motivation, make sure that every employee job has clear responsibilities and expectations. Help increase productivity by challenging your employee to visualize what success in their role would look like and make sure to remind them how important their role is to the overall business bottom line. When every employee’s job is delegated, and each employee understands how they contribute to larger company objectives, everyone will benefit.
Another great tool to increase productivity in the workplace is to provide meaningful work for employees. Studies have shown that employee motivation is increased when provided meaningful work. Make motivation work for your business by recognizing the unique ways each employee is motivated. Then incorporate those special motivational techniques back into your overall business objectives.
Frequently Asked Questions
How to Motivate Employees as A Manager Examples?
There are many ways a manager can motivate employees. These could be providing genuine praise feedback, including employees in goal setting, and not micromanaging. In general, being a respectful, honest, and supportive manager is an excellent place to start when it comes to motivating employees.
How to Motivate Employees as A Leader?
As a leader, you can motivate employees by developing and acknowledging their skills and providing them the resources they need to do their work well. You can also provide positive, genuine feedback and regularly have one-on-one meetings. You know what drives them to work at your company and what motivates them to continue doing such good work.
Conclusion – Research by
It is not that difficult to motivate employees. The beauty of striking a balance between keeping people inspired without overstepping boundaries or getting too close to a person’s space.
Our team at FinditHealth found that having a respectful, positive, and supportive attitude can create a consistent and healthy environment for employees. The key is to make sure that employees know they are appreciated and valued for what they bring to the company. This is ultimately what motivates employees and will keep them working at your organization for many years to come.