How To Use a Moxa Stick — (Wellness Coach's Advice)

How to Use a Moxa Stick from Wellness Coaches Advice and The Moxa Treatment Points to Use

As the lead health and wellness coach at, I’m here to help you learn the proper way to use a moxa stick to encounter the health benefits from using Moxa.

If you’re new to using moxa for your health issues, you should understand how to use it correctly to maximize its effectiveness. Moxa is said to be helpful at treating pain, restoring fertility, turning breech babies, and treating ailments of numerous organ systems. Consider this to be your 101.

How to Use a Moxa Stick from Wellness Coaches Advice and The Moxa Treatment Points to Use

How To Use Moxa Sticks

The use of moxa sticks is described in the following steps:

Pick an appropriate moxa stick

Moxa sticks exist in a variety of forms and dimensions.

Pick the best Moxa stick for healing troublesome areas of the body.

It’s important to note that moxa sticks may not be appropriate for everyone, and should only be used under the guidance and advice of a trained alternative therapist and licensed healthcare provider. 

Cleanse and prepare the treatment area’s skin surface

Ensure the skin to be treated is free of any oils or lotions. Apply a small layer of cream or oil as skin insulation if the region to be treated is sensitive or delicate.

Ignite the moxa stick

Using a pair of tweezers hold the moxa stick or use a moxa holder. Light the moxa stick’s end with a lighter or match until it catches fire and smolders.

Hold the moxa stick

While avoiding touching the skin’s surface, hold the moxa stick firmly close to the area that has to be treated. Move the moxa around the area using gentle circular motions or a fixed method.

Monitor the heat

Moxa therapy shouldn’t be painful or uncomfortable. Move the moxa stick away from the heat source or momentarily put out the flame if it gets too hot.

End of treatment

After the moxa stick has completely burned down, completely put out the embers by striking it on the water or sand container. Once the moxa stick has dried, you can relight it.

Clean up

Clean up the area and safely dispose of any ashes, debris, or other materials left behind from the moxa therapy.


Moxa Treatment Points

The following are the typical moxa treatment points:

  • CV4 (Guan Yuan) – located on the lower abdomen, it is believed to tonify the Qi and strengthen the body’s overall energy.
  • BL23 (Shen Shu) – located on the lower back, it is believed to tonify the Kidney Qi, nourish the Yin and Yang, and strengthen the immune system.
  • ST36 (Zu San Li) – located on the lower leg, it is believed to tonify the Spleen and Stomach Qi, and promote digestion and overall health.
  • CV6 (Qi Hai) – located on the lower abdomen, it is believed to tonify the Qi and nourish the Blood, and improve overall energy and vitality.
  • BL17 (Ge Shu) – located on the back, it is believed to tonify the Blood and regulate the Heart Qi, and improve circulation and overall health.

KI 1 (also known as Yongquan or Bubbling Spring) is the first acupoint of the Kidney meridian in traditional Chinese medicine. It is located on the sole of the foot, in the depression at the center of the heel. In a systematic review stimulating this acupoint with moxibustion lowers blood pressure compared to antihypertensive drugs.


Moxa Stick Uses

Diseases caused by cold pathogens or Qi yang deficit, such as the following, respond well to moxibustion:

  • Digestive disorders
  • Organ prolapse
  • Menstrual cramps
  • Acute and chronic pain
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Infertility

A moxa stick is also highly effective for correcting breech position by warming the uterus and enabling the baby to move to the head-first position. Utilizing moxibustion can help you turn the fetus without needing medical assistance.

A moxa stick can burn for up to five minutes and provides analgesic effects to relieve pain and congestion. Chinese practitioners place a strong emphasis on proper body alignment for the best effects.


Should You Do Moxa Treatment At Home?

Moxibustion therapy is something you should not do at home. Your practitioner may instruct you on how to use moxa to enhance the impact of clinical sessions in between visits, but I would leave it to the certified practitioner to treat you with moxa.

When it is appropriate for the treatment plan, practitioners frequently combine moxibustion with acupuncture during the same appointment. The combined therapies are believed to enhance each other’s efficacy.

But be aware that there are risks associated with moxibustion. Stay away from moxibustion if you have:

  • A mugwort allergy
  • Smoke sensitivity
  • A lung condition, such as asthma

If you are pregnant or using moxibustion for fertility, inform your acupuncturist of your condition and your treatment goals so they can apply the best plan and use this therapy with caution.


How To Put Out A Moxa Stick

A quick way to put out a moxa stick safely is to cover the entire moxa stick into a glass jar and tighten the lid firmly to ensure that no oxygen gets into the jar thus extinguishing the stick. You can also tap the moxa stick onto sand. Moxa sticks can be relighted for repeated treatments.


Do Smokeless Moxa Sticks Work?

Smokeless moxa sticks are helpful in external heat therapy and are regularly used alongside acupuncture. The following are some of the features of smokeless moxa sticks:

  • Perfect for non-smoking areas
  • Smokeless moxa has no smell
  • For patients who want to utilize moxibustion at home, it is simple to use
  • Ashes need to be knocked out into a container regularly


Difference Between Chinese Moxa Sticks And Others

In China, Moxa cones and sticks are utilized to transfer heat via the acupuncture needle’s shaft. In Korea, moxibustion involves the application of other medications besides the warming action of moxa.

Japanese moxibustion differs from the other two because it only employs superior, softer mugwort leaves. To treat the patient, a few leaves are physically twisted and placed on the acupoint. The moxa is then lighted, extinguished, and removed.

Moxibustion in Japan also uses painless, ultra-fine acupuncture needles like the rest of the world.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is moxa stick good for?

The following conditions may respond well to moxibustion:

  • Pain – Moxibustion is often used to treat pain, particularly chronic pain conditions such as arthritis, back pain, and menstrual cramps.
  • Respiratory conditions – Moxibustion may help to alleviate symptoms of respiratory conditions such as asthma and chronic bronchitis.
  • Digestive issues – Moxibustion can help to regulate digestive function and alleviate symptoms of conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and constipation.
  • Emotional and mental health – Moxibustion is believed to have a calming effect on the mind and can be used to treat conditions such as anxiety, depression, and insomnia.

Should you use a moxibustion stick at home?

Moxibustion therapy can be performed at home but we recommend indirect application. Moxa sticks compared to other moxa products are easy to work with. Buffer substances like ginger, garlic, or salt can be used as insulation between the skin and burning moxa.

How do you use a moxa?

The following are three ways of administering moxa:

  • Moxa stick or cone – The end of a moxa stick is lit and held against the region to be treated for many minutes until the skin glows red and takes on the appearance of just leaving a hot shower.
  • Combined with needle acupuncture – The acupoint is penetrated with an acupuncture needle and held there. After that, moxa is wrapped around the needle’s handle and lit to provide heat for the acupoint and its surroundings. The moxa is put out once the desired result has been achieved, but the needles are left in place until the therapy is finished.
  • Loose moxa burned in a can or box – Moxa herb is placed within a special, fireproof can or box, which is then lighted. Heat is gently released into the container as the lit moxa smolders. After that, the container is covered with a towel to lessen the amount of heat the patient experiences.

How do you use moxa sticks for pain?

Various regions of the body can get pain relief via moxibustion. The general procedures for employing moxa sticks to relieve pain are as follows:

  • Lighting – Ignite the moxa stick’s end with a strong lighter. Because of the thickness of the moxa sticks it may take some time to fully light. To fire the entire end of the moxa, rotate it onto the flame. Blow the moxa stick’s end to encourage an ember and even glow across the head of the stick.
  • Application – Over the area of the body that is in pain or discomfort, hold the moxa stick like a pen. The heat should quickly and comfortably permeate the body. The area that was treated should feel warm to the touch. Generally, this acupoint treatment should take 20 to 40 minutes, before the practitioner moves on to another body spot.

Because it improves blood circulation in the waist, clears the blood, reduces nerve root constriction, and even calms neuropathy, moxibustion is a highly effective pain treatment. According to some research, moxibustion may reduce neuroinflammation by blocking NF-kB and activating Nrf2, two immune response-related proteins.


Conclusion – Research by

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Compared to other moxa products, moxa sticks have a number of advantages such as the following:

  • Non-invasive – Unlike acupuncture and other therapies that require needles, moxa sticks are non-invasive and do not puncture the skin.
  • Easy to use – Moxa sticks are relatively easy to use and can be used at home with proper guidance from a licensed acupuncturist or moxibustion practitioner.
  • Targeted heat – Moxa sticks allow for targeted heat therapy on specific areas of the body, which can be beneficial for treating localized pain and other issues.
  • Cost-effective – Moxa sticks are generally less expensive than other traditional Chinese medicine therapies, such as acupuncture.
  • Versatile – Moxa sticks can be used in a variety of ways, including on acupuncture points, on specific areas of the body, or in combination with other therapies.


Find It Health Editor in Chief Luz Chacon Health and Wellness Coach Giving You Advice

Luz Chacon

Luz Chacon is a Health Educator, Wellness Coach, and EFT Tapping Practitioner with 30+ years in health advocacy. Specializing in stress management, wellbeing, and holistic health, she created a 40% stress reduction employee program. Luz is dedicated to helping busy individuals prioritize self-care, break patterns, and reach goals. She offers programs for organizations and individuals. Luz is passionate about sharing her health research and guiding informed choices!

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Luz Chacon Health Coaches at Find It Health and Stress Management and Natural Holistic Health Coaches